Photography: Guillermo Gumiel.
How are cultural identities built? Power and explotation on capitalist societies - Centro Centro (Madrid)
November 2019
Artists Adela Součková, Jiří Žák (Czech Republic) and Irmina Rusicka (Poland) were in-residency in Madrid from November 1st until December 15th 2019, working at their temporary studios at CentroCentro.
While in Madrid, the artists worked on their research themes such as historical revisionism from an East-West perspective, post-modern cultural identities and power infrastructures, focusing in Madrid and Spain local contexts.
At CentroCentro, the residents paired with Spain based artists Elena Lavelles and Erik Beltrán and the curator Alba Folgado, also participants in the project, to present their investigation mediated by guests researchers Mauro Gil-Fournier and Adrián Almazán Gómez. They addressed issues such as extractivism, corporate colonialism and power representations, thus connecting with the artistic practices of the residents.
Partners: Centro Centro (Madrid), MeetFactory (Czech Republic) // Trafostacja Sztuki (Poland) // Silk Museum (Georgia) // Hablarenarte
Supported by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and Comunidad de Madrid